Autumn COVID-19 Updates and New Hours

Ever since my mom started this business in 1982, our mantra has been “We protect lives and property.” This has served as a reminder that not only are we helping our customers protect their belongings; but, more importantly, our actions aid in the protection of our customers themselves. As the cases of COVID-19 have continued to rise, we’ve been experimenting with new ways to keep our customers and staff safe.

All of the protections from our last update continue to stay in place; masks, social distancing, sanitation, etc. These new procedures are in addition to these.

  1. Our store is performing curb-side service only. No customers will be allowed in the store until we feel it’s safe to do so again. You can either knock on our door or call from your car. In either case, we’ll come out to meet with you. (With masks and maintaining social distancing of course.)

  2. We’re extending our hours starting Monday November 23. We are going to be performing curbside service from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Monday through Friday. We’re not going back to our full hours yet as there’s still extra sanitizing that needs to be done to ensure your safety.

  3. We are still performing service calls, but when you schedule a call with us we’re now asking additional COVID questions. (Has anybody tested positive for COVID, traveled outside Illinois, etc.) If any of the criteria is met for quarantine, we’ll schedule the call for after the quarantine period (14 days).

As you can see, we’re going to great efforts to try and make sure you stay safe. We ask that you do your part to keep our staff safe by wearing a mask and maintaining social distance when you visit our store or when our technician comes out to do work at your home or business.