PHS Store Hours Changing

New store hours:

9am - 3pm M,T,Th,F

Closed (by appointment only) Wednesday

The last couple of years have been hard on everyone. Unfortunately, we are no exception. We have been short staffed since late last year and we haven't been able to add additional staff. This has resulted in us being stretched too thin, and we don't want to sacrifice the level of quality you have come to expect from us.

So, starting May 1, we're making a change to our store hours. Wednesday is going to be "By appointment only." This means we'll only be taking appointments for service calls on Wednesdays. The storefront will be closed to customers, but we will continue to answer the phones. The store will continue to be open to customers from 9am - 3pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Thankfully, the workload has been increasing, and for that we're extremely grateful.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, and we hope the improved quality and service will offset it.